There will be a new documentary featuring the real town of Forks, where the Twilight Saga takes place.
“Twilight in Forks” Film Documenting the Town Behind the Twilight BooksComing to DVD October 15th
Film takes a look at the real people and places of the remote Washingtonstate town behind the Twilight Series of books by Stephenie Meyer
FORKS, Wash. - Aug. 26, 2009 - In anticipation of the second Twilight film,New Moon, fans will soon be able to see and learn all about the real peopleand places of Forks, the remote Washington state town behind StephenieMeyer’s Twilight Series of books. Twilight in Forks(http://www.twilightinforks.com)available to pre-order today via Amazon.com, will be available online and inretail stores on October 15th.
Filmed in HD by three-time Emmy Award-winning Director Jason Brown, Twilightin Forks - The Saga of the Real Town, documents the story of the rainiestcity in the U.S. - Forks - and the untold tales of its hidden history,culture and mysticism. Since the Twilight movies were not filmed in Forks,this is the chance for fans to see where Stephenie Meyer based her epic teenromance novels.
Are there truly vampires and werewolves in and around Forks? Hear from thereal people living their lives in the town Twilight fans know and love. Fanswill meet the Chief of Police and hear as he recounts the meal he cooked forStephenie Meyer, the Forks Outfitters’ employee who gets mistaken for Bella,the vampire transplant who plays the real-life role of Alice, hearself-described Jacob’s grandfather tell the legend of how the Quileutesdescended from wolves, and many more of the people and places, including theCullen House, Swan House and police station, that make Forks the perfectsetting for the Twilight Series.
The Twilight in Forks DVD is a must-have for Twilight fans young and old.For more information, visit Twilight in Forks on the Web at:http://www.twilightinforks.com
About the Producers
Jason Brown is executive vice president of Heckelsville Media, and thedirector of the movie “Twilight in Forks - The Saga of the Real Town.”Jason’s 25 years of experience in film, television and music productionplace him in the top tier of creative talent in the industry. With threeEmmy Awards, as well as multiple Clios, Tellies and Soundies, Jason’s workhas been seen by millions of fans on TV, in theaters and in corporatesettings around the world. His credits include features such as Lover’s Laneand Double Impact, recent television shows like A&E’s “Sell this House” andDiscovery’s “Super Surgeries,” as well as additional projects for ABC, NBC,CBS, FOX, Showtime, and the NFL Super Bowl. Jason’s work has been alsopreviewed to audiences at the Sundance Film Festival, Cannes Film Festival,New York International Film Festival, and the Seattle International FilmFestival. His corporate productions for companies like Nintendo, Microsoft,Coke, Nike and National Geographic rounds out a full spectrum of careerachievement.
York Baur is president of Heckelsville Media, and the producer of the movie“Twilight in Forks - The Saga of the Real Town.” With 25 years of experiencein content development, product marketing and business development, Yorkbrings extensive knowledge to the company’s projects. His personalconnection to the Twilight phenomenon comes from the summer cabin his familybuilt near Forks, Washington in the 1960s, which he still owns. As an avidoutdoors lover, York grew up hiking in the ancient forests of OlympicNational Park, and has a deep respect for both the forest and the heartypeople who make their living in it. Previously, York spent the last 15 yearsin executive positions at Northwest online media companies, includingInfoSpace, Akamai and Microsoft. He holds a bachelor’s degree from theUniversity of Southern California (USC).
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